Director’s Desk

Pillars of L-1 Coaching

Director of Physics Department

Er. Brijesh Kumar Singh
Mechanical Engineering (B.Tech, IIT-BHU)

I believe that success is not a one day Endeavour, rather a result of persevering efforts. Success in competitive exams depends on your ability to compete with others. As Charles Darwin stated in the struggle of survival as “the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best of their environment” the fittest in context of IIT/NEET exams, the most intelligent and hardworking may not be the winner, rather the one who adapts himself to the changing pattern of the exam.
My organization L-1 coaching has been providing quality education to students from the entire Poorvanchal region for past 15 years. Although this is a mission with unlimited goals but I feel that we have had significant success in his short period. Recently, l1coaching launched MOBILE PATHSHALA. This is a pioneering drive of L-1 to reach out to this technology savvy generation in the era of Face book and Google.
In another of such a move, L-1 coaching was associated with Technex, one of India’s biggest technical extravaganza, which was hosted an innovative programme “Bal Vigyan” dedicated to the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th class students. This was at another step towards promoting young talent by L-1 coaching. Through this medium we wish to acknowledge and honour the best and the brightest students in the entire poorvanchal, and also giving an opportunity to showcase their talent.
Based on the new pattern we have done a lot of work on study material and teaching methodology. Highest growth rate in poorvanchal in the result of our best efforts in every respect. Many students find themselves confused or lost, joining a coaching which is not strategically sound and therefore are unable to make the cut. We believe that a lot of factors play an important role in shaping the career of a student. Therefore we divide the students in small groups and try to provide them individual attention. I feel proud to announce the commencement of a super 40 batch in IIT as well as PMT. Last year a similar strategy for top 5 students yielded results beyond expectations. All 5 students got top ranks in IIT-JEE and PMT. IN THE YEAR 2010. Special attention is provided related to clearing of doubts; tips, time managements, aplomb and confidence build up at the time of exam. These factors are very essential for success in IIT-JEE and PMT.
The ambition of L-1 coaching is to make you best fitted in every respect which is require for selection. As for physics part, it is realization of static and dynamic of everything happening around our life and this can be done by emphasizing the points and clarifying the doubts by personal interaction.
Chemical phenomenon are like your own existence, so it is based on food logic. Now it is to you, whether you got it or not but don’t make It an exception and don’t mug it. Different defined part of chemistry i.e. organic, physical & inorganic is well correlated, scientific and easy to get it. Like all other natural processes, it can be explained. It is the only subject that can leapfrog you to toppers rank.
Most of the students mugging the reactions of organic and inorganic chemistry throughout the year by voluminous books, while an eight-month chemistry study can give you something that you may not have been expected.
I am quite sure if you join L-1 coaching your chemistry will always prove to be a stronger part.
Director of Chemistry Department

Er. Nagendra Singh
(B.Tech, IIT-BHU)

Director of Mathametics Department

Er. Deepak Jaju
(B.Tech, IIT-BHU)

Competition is a race in which checking of thing occurs. A person requires confidence, sincerity, dedication and a beautiful dream of AIM for winning the race. There are two kinds of person, one brilliant & another hard working, both can win the game. A strategically resulted study can only give a good victory. As for L-1 family concerned. We are totally dedicated for our students. About mathematics it totally based on concept of
good problem.
As for as examination temperament is concern you have to develop your skill by doing the problems above the level of exam. So that you can feel easy in the exam.
Medical field is part of social field which is spreading at large scale now a days, and we are feeling proud of being part of that. As for Biology part, it’s very interesting and creates the problem of leveling effect in scoring the marks in medical exams, so it should be strong. We believe that graphical solution of L-1 Coaching covers large part, deep concept and best impression in human mind in best way. As for competitive part what we shall provide classroom notes that will be sufficient to attempt 90+ questions in exams so keeping in mind that you have to qualify competition in anyways not to be master of that.
Director of Biology Department

Dr. Arun Tiwari (IMS BHU)

Director of Pre-Foundation Department

Er. Suryakant Nirala

When I think about education in every region of India, I get surprising result in success rate in different fields, particularly engineering and medical. Students which are awared and got the opportunity for exposure in all the streams of career, do well, at the same time, some potentially sounded students do not achieve their goals due to lack of guideline and awareness despite that they deserve.
Often a question raises in my mind, why more than 70% students secured in top 100 ranks in IIT/PMT are from south India? After searching & analyzing all the factors playing role behind it are basic level education which means pre-foundation course. In this course we try to inspire them to think freely and develop the logics of all the phenomenon and process of science.
We believe strongly that every child is special for us and any one can do anything, it depends on environment which we create around him/her and we have proved it too. I hope that all the guardians and parents will take any step ahead and give a chance to their ward to shape their career in best possible way. If it happens then north Indian children can compete with the South Indians in engineering and medical field. All the best to the students, who are stepping in class VI, VII, VIII, IX and X class.
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